诗人做藕 红烧还是醋溜?

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Play through mentality [so far

Simply don't get what's going on in the first bit

Am I going to date Elegy?

Not gonna choose I forgive u. Why would I forgive someone without even a reason?

I need to set a oc first for me to fully get involved in this game

Brutally puts makeup on*

I need to make a character chart for all these people...


James is nice

Ren is just like me in the game

Literally why Dianna is so cute

Wtf Grant

I kinda dislike Grant but I also like him?????

Why do the protagonist character still reacts so negative after I fully exposed my delightful characteristics in so many options

That boy is exactly like me at school

I fuxking wink to Dianna

It's like Ash all over again

Kinda want to spend more time with Grant

Dianna obviously got a deep dark hole in her mind

Wtf is this going to be that thot of game within game thing where the thing happens on the avatar in the inner game gets to happen on the protagonist??? Wtf an zombie apocalypse on the space station??? Is Elegy going to appear?

Imagining the view...

Literally just following Dianna everywhere

Sybri?is such a typical Indian, the whole loving and Buddhist thing and so

Why we suddenly talking about feminism again???

Yeah dude like we really breaking the glass ceiling right now[not really

Thinking about feminism...

Waiting time...

Elegy is the technician!!!

Elegy is sooooo cool

Kinda wonder what will happen if I choose the lady?nurse? Would there be a female Elegy? We kinda just finished the talk about no gender options in games? Is it just used to test my sexual orientation??? So that I can date the female characters

Is Elegy even dateable

Fuxk I forgot to send Elegy away!!!

Is he going to be fine?

I feel like I'm going towards the Dianna direction, it feels a bit weird, but it doesn't feel bad.I do enjoy talking to such a interesting mind but I'm not sure whether I'm ready for more of the romantic bits yet

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